Club Membership Dues Standard

2025 Club Membership Dues Standard

Hudson Valley Rugby Club

Department of the Treasury

2025 Club Membership Dues Standard

The following standard has unanimous support of all Treasury and Club officers.

For the year of 2025, the treasury department implements the following:

  1. “Membership Dues” amount, terms and structure are the same for mens and womens members.
  2. This results in a “Club Membership Dues” and not a “Team Dues”
  3. There is one tier of Membership Dues; there is no Rookie or Senior Player dues amount. All Membership Dues are equal in amount.
  4. Membership Dues for 2025 are $150 for the year.
  5. Membership Dues will be invoiced via e-mail on January 1st, 2025, or upon joining the Club as a member.
  6. Membership Dues have a net term of 90 days.
  7. There are no pro-rated Club Dues.
  8. The Club adopts a “Game Day Dues” policy for both mens and womens teams.
  9. Game Day Dues are due from every Club member attending an official home or Club match in which the Club paid to participate, such as tournaments with an entry fee.
  10. Game Day Dues will not be required for away games that cost the Club no money to participate.
  11. Members not attending the game do not have to pay Game Day Dues.
  12. Game Day Dues are in addition to the yearly Membership Dues.
  13. Game Day Dues are $20 per game per member.
  14. Game Day Dues are payable on the day of the game.
  15. Game Day Dues are collected via Venmo or PayPal.
  16. If you are experiencing financial hardship concerning any Club-related payment, please email the Treasury Department with details of your current situation and a request for financial assistance. The Treasury will consider financial assistance applications on a case-by-case basis.
  17. “Lifetime Membership” is available to Men's Team members 32 or over and Women's Team members 28  or over for $500. Lifetime Membership draws 100% relief from yearly Membership Dues for the Member's lifetime.
  18. Lifetime Members are still required to pay Game Day Dues.

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